Tagged: Trinity


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Hypostasis and Person

We continue discussion of the basic notions of metaphysics with the outline of the profound reality beyond the word "hypostasis". We talk about the profound shift in the understanding that came to pass with the formation of the Christian Tradition on Incarnation and the birth of understanding of hypostasis as implicitly personal being. Also we give a brief outline of the significance of the notion of hypostasis as person to the development of what is usually misunderstood as the modern "discovery" of inviolability of person in both moral and legal terms.


New Times, Ancient Shadows

KT returns to roots - once more you can have no less than 14 pages of essay or 50 minutes podcast. Yet we also return to our old subjects, this time around the metaphysics of Chaos and the influence it performs on our minds. We inspect the idea that just could be lurking behind the set of postmodern projects related to indifference and dissolution of genders - the idea of the androgyny of God. Throughout the essay, we address the inadequacy of modern conservative thought when confronted with what are in fact a historically ancient ideas and principles driving the postmodern project; we employ the aid of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Gregory Nazianzen to explain why the Word of God has Father only and much more.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: On Being One and One Being

When someone says that being and one are convertible, what does this mean? In this podcast we'll explicate some of the distinctive qualities of this distinct indivisibility and undivided distinction. Also, we address the error of understanding explication of oneness as reduction to mathematical or physical unit, quite alien to traditional thought, and proneness of contemporary "back to origins" thinkers to perpetuating it especially when they're explicitly trying to refute it. We demonstrate how somewhat natural temptation to find one, indivisible and comprehensive historical point from which all the ills of our times can be explained is utterly in opposition to the One that transcends determinations and is the proper origin of time and what it brings forth.