A Question of Identity
If there is one word that could sum up contemporary political conflicts, it would be the word: ‘identity’. Yet we rarely hear anybody posing a question – what is identity? Here, we pose such a question and propose that identity is a metaphysical category; a one in many present behind and beyond various heated debates of our day. To exemplify, we use the examples of racial identity and sexual/gender identity as instances of reductionism, where real question of identity ends up obfuscated by its partial forms, with dire consequences.
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Branko Malić
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Marshall McLuhan was infamously quoted as saying, ‘all forms of violence are quests for identity’; and if you juxtapose this with Rene Girard’s idea of mimetics one can easily discern how today’s modern forms of technology (i.e., smart phones; memes; social media; etc.) are a conduit, nay tinderbox for a cataclysmic conflagration to appear in the near future. That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!