Category: Ask Kali

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KT Answers: What is Soul?

In this episode of KT Q&A podcast, we address the request of our regular reader. In summary, we answer the question: what is soul? The subjects contained therein are the nature of soul, its relation to body, what it means for something to be substantial form, traditional understanding of actuality/energy and possibility/potency, unity of human being provided by the soul, soul as a "horizon" (Thomas Aquinas) between physical and spiritual world, the powers of the soul and the critique of many souls instead of one, potentially posthumanist implications of denying the unity of the soul and much more.

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KT Answers: What is Ontology?

In this episode of our regular Q&A podcast we answer the seemingly simple question, what is ontology? We delineate three thinkers and three notions of the primary philosophical science, out of which only one qualifies as ontology. Those thinkers are Christian Wolff, Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, whereas Wolff is the one who, in 18th Century, introduced ontology as a discipline in the "system of philosophical sciences". We proceed to demonstrate that ontology, as modern invention, is a far cry from what Aristotle and Aquinas considered inquiry into "being qua being" to be. Off course, there are number of random digressions into all kinds of related subjects, from traditional notion of genera/species relation, nature of ens universalis, Kant's blending of metaphysics with Wolffian system and more.

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KT Answers: Unterwegs zu Heidegger Cul-De-Sac, pt.2

In the second part of our Q&A on corrosive influence of Heidegger, we turn to actual (not in the sense of presence, but in the sense of energeia) texts, i.e. to concrete examples of how he misinterprets Aristole's notions of energeia, kinesis, entelehia.

We conclude with overall evaluation of Heidegger's influence and remarks on low grade philosophy found online.

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KT Answers: Unterwegs zu Heidegger Cul-De-Sac, pt.1

In this episode of our regular q&a podcast we answer reader's questions about the influence of Martin Heidegger on Internet based rightist identiterian movements. In the first episode we give an outline of the current state of Heideggeriana in the mainstream academia which seems to lead us to conclusion that Internet fringe apparently understood him far better than his academic followers and interprets. This was made clear mainly by finalization of Heidegger's Gesamtausgabe and publication of the so called "black notebooks" - diaries which, judging by his own evaluation, contained Heidegger's most intimate thoughts and the central point of his philosophy. As the end result is that it is now obvious that he was indeed a committed national socialist, at least in the sense of what he understood as meta-political essence of national socialism, and that this is also at the very least quite close to his project of the destruction of traditional metaphysics, the sizeable chunk of contemporary philosophers now seem to realize how they have been building their academic houses quite near the entrance of the underworld, if not even somewhat further down the hole.

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KT Answers: Stoics in the Age of -isms, Pt.2

In this episode we talk about objections to Stoicism and "Stoic attitude" in our own day. We discuss two seemingly different, but in fact quite congenial, attacks, i.e. about APA's document Guidlines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men" and the survey "Stoicism and Well Being". In the process we discuss fruit of contemporary "dissolution mentality", clearly expressed in the first document and lay out the origin and nature of the pleasure principle which is at the base of the critique laid out in the second one. Finally, we discuss Christian evaluation of Stoicism.

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KT Answers: Stoics in the Age of -isms pt.1

In the new episode of our "Ask Kali" series, we address MT White's remarks and questions on the subject of Stoicism and peculiar attitude contemporary psychologists hold towards what is considered to be "ideology of masculinity". Whereas the very fact that American Psychologists Association can indulge into such semantic nonsense as defining "masculinity" - or even "masculinities" - as ideology rather calls for the application of flame thrower, than that of the rational argument, we, as rational creatures, cannot help but try to argue the point instead.

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Ask a Question and Support KT

Welcome to Kali Tribune. During the course of six years we steadily engaged with our reader’s questions and comments about the range of topics from metaphysics to common political issues of the day we are continuously addressing. In the latter half of 2020 we decided to start a podcast that was meant to deal with more complex questions and address them in the systematical way.

Here we announce that this podcast will become a permanent feature of KT which all new comers can find in the “Ask Kali” section.

No content will be restricted and remains as free as your will and ability to back it.

However, this also means that we are for the first time tying the content we are publishing with the requirement of compensation.

If we are to continue this project and, even more, improve it, there will have to be a modicum of engagement on behalf of our readers. Therefore, the questions eligible to be treated at length in Q&A podcast, will have to be followed by donation whose amount is completely at the discretion of the reader. This doesn’t apply to our Patreon supporters. Also it doesn’t mean that answer to a question or a comment is predicated upon financial support. Comments section remains as it was, only the questions that require an article, essay or podcast size discussion will be treated this way.

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KT Answers, pt.3: All or Nothing

In the third episode of our Q&A podcast we address the questions about the nature of substance, being, person and soul, while pointing out the pitfalls of confusing the popular Science Fiction narratives with the philosophy proper.

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KT Answers, pt.2: Peoples, Nations, Wars and Turning of Other Cheek

In the second part of our Q&A session we answer to questions about what is ethnicity (or people) and can it be defined, whereas Christian dictum of turning the other cheek is at odds with historical reality, why the political community should have origin that its member cannot re-create, how Internet based Right could just be a homosexual grooming operation and much, much more. Also we provide some thoughts on Schopenhauer and the way we discern between what is useful and what is superfluous for the kind of philosophy we practice on KT.