Tagged: alt media


Third World Bore: How by Being Offline You Can Prevent the World War

It's happening! Third World War is at hand! Well ... just as long as your internet connection is stable. In this podcast we delve into further depths of fringe internet movements and peculiar personal qualities their adherents develop; qualities that are seemingly a reiteration of old radicalism, but are in fact something quite novel.


On Principles and Ideologies: A New Year’s Clean Up

Kali Tribune wishes you ponderous and non-ideological holidays. We talk about difference between principles and ideology, peculiarity of internet mediated intellectual viruses, impossibility of total political theory and other light subjects to lead KT over the threshold of the new year.


Dialectics of Delirium: Was Garden of Eden Crisis a CIA Funded Regime Change?

In this podcast we approach the problem of Hegelian dialectics in it's proper - Hegelian and not Anthony Sutton's - sense, and dangers of history being depicted as the proper object of absolute knowledge. The case in point is the clear and present danger of God being denounced as CIA agent and Garden of Eden crisis a false flag or Soros funded regime change event.


Info-Bores: When “Conspiracy Theory” Goes Mainstream

In this video we scrutinize how typical conspiracy research methods are being progressively appropriated by the mainstream sources. Also, we let lose some poisonous remarks on more despicable among "alt" media outlets and conclude that sum of two nothings always equals ... nothing.


Conspiracy of Echoes: Is “Conspiracy Research” a Passing Fad?

In this podcast we pose the question about usefulness and meaning of so called "conspiracy research". It seems that most of the outlets promoting it - be it under the guise of Russia inspired "geopolitical analysis" or resistance to the "New World Order" - are progressively - and almost overnight - turning into echo chambers.

So was it all a mistake? Was it a scam? Or was it in itself an instance of masses being manipulated?

These are few among questions we are posing here.

Just don't expect quite as many answers.


From Bastards to Imbeciles, Confidentially: Duginist Alt Media as an Exemplar of Faking the Reality

In this video we return to the problem faking reality by media, this time around the alternative ones. We'll analyze the CIA document "Yugoslavia Transformed", that is: the assessment on future of Yugoslavia, written and submitted on 18th October 1990, and referenced by exceptionally dumb (or devious) contributor on former main Duginist outpost Katehon. We demonstrate how collaborating documents can be used as "proofs" for the thesis in fact contradicting their content, on condition that reader doesn't actually read them, but take the authors "reference" as sufficient in itself.


The Invisible Empire: Introduction to Alexander Dugin’s “Foundations of Geopolitics”, pt. 2

In the second part of the series on Alexander Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics we analyze the political program of creating the "Empire of empires" and why it excels in being the ultimate exercise in nihilism, taking the lead into contest for the most ominous globalization project of our times, although it could very well remain just an image in the head of its author and his followers.


Stinking Narratives: Geopolitics as Means of Dehumanization

In this video we further address the problem of somewhat sadomasochist nature of "alternative narratives" about international politics that are based on geopolitical interpretation and uncritical enmity towards the West - coming, ironically, almost entirely from the Westerners themselves.