Miscellanea: The Fractured Mirror

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1 Response

  1. Robber Chih says:

    Small knowledge breaks the One into many, Great knowledge sees all in One.

    Is Aristotle correct to go to the foundation of knowledge in curiosity? I think the Bible has a different explanation.

    Is it not hybris as committed by the philosopher, who believes he can actually know what is good and establish a universal foundation?
    By what means? His own? No, by universal reason will he have authority. The philosophers bound God Himself to their idea of the good. To me the modern scientist does not seem that far from Aristotle. Indeed Aristotle was frequently accused of belonging to the ‘profane’ science throughout the middle ages.

    Hence Pascal’s note sewn into his jacket read “the God of Jacob not the God of the philosophers.”
    Cur deus homo? Does God love the good because it’s good or is it good because He loves it….and we know how Aristotle would answer this question. Thus he reaches to universal judgment via reason.
    But we cannot forget the story of the fall, and the critique of the metaphysics of knowledge which is wrapped up in it. How does the temptation of the first man resemble the temptation of Christ?

    To Aristotle philosophy was a curiosity, to Plato a preparation for death and for Plotinus that which was most precious. Indeed what is more precious than that which doesn’t always or mostly happen? The sudden, accidental, miraculous (?) seems most precious.

    Yes, man innately knows what is good. However why must it be uncovered? If a man sees a hole he doesn’t have to think not to walk into it and fall.

    Is the whole knowledge of Aristotle such a hole? When i muse on the legend of the fall, I sometimes think so.

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