Category: Video


Common Ground

When talking about the ways in which Christianity was infused into ancient world and the ways in which it preserved it, or, rather, maintained its continuity all the way to our day and age, we tended to focus on intellectual profusion of Christian Revelation into the legacy of great pre-Christian metaphysical tradition. This time around we present less intellectual, but rather quite literal demonstration of the common ground upon which the continuity of ages is being preserved to our day. This is the premiere of the freshly formed Kali Tribune's Ministry for Archaeological Affairs and Anti-Antichrist Measures video material, apologizes for bad audio at few places due to wind.


Back Roads to Philosophy: Introduction to Immanuel Kant’s Kritik der Reinen Vernunft pt. 1

We start our Back Roads to Philosophy series with the first episode on Kant's Kritik der Reinen Vernunft. At this point we provide general introduction to the intention around which this exemplar of modern metaphysics has been formed. We stick to selected passages from the "Preface" and "Preface to Second Edition" as well as the "Introduction to First Edition", and we lay out why Kant's motivation is fundamentally to make an attempt at the new beginning in metaphysics; we explain the significance of some of the metaphors he is prone to use and give definitions of some of the basic terms. Finally, we talk about the structure of the Kritik and why and how, for Kant, it reflects the intrinsic structure of the very human faculty it is intended to analyze - pure mind itself.


Back Roads to Philosophy: Introduction

Hereby we present new series of videos/webinars in history of philosophy. As we explain at length in introductory video, this will be as much as possible impartial exposition of passages from important philosophers, with minimum criticism, starting from modern age and then moving towards the past - hence "back road"; in the upcoming episodes we'll deal with Immanuel Kant's Kritik der Reinen Vernunft, a premier work of modern metaphysics. In introduction we give preliminary explanation why our way backwards in philosophy starts with him.


Atoms’n’Void Blues: The Heartaches of a Materialist

Materialism is not only a mentality or metaphysical orientation. It is also an ontological mood - the peculiar sense of the world and oneself that is highly personal yet at the same time it imbibes all the metaphysical propositions of materialist with rather well defined pathology. This pathology, we claim is the source and the purpose of materialist metaphysics and materialist life, while the systemic form it builds for itself, be it Communism, scientism or something entirely different is quite secondary. To explain what we mean, we focus on the statements of one old fashioned dialectical materialist: Slavoj Žižek, wherein he explains his worldview. 


To Be is to Be Seen: Nicholas of Cusa’s “De Visione Dei” pt.3

In the third and final episode in our series on Nicholas of Cusa's De Visione Dei we address prevalent modern misconception of mystical state as "individual experience" and how God can be known only from His act of knowing us; the act that always points us in the direction of our inner being but at the same time brings to light the fact that we cannot escape participating in it together with our fellow men.


Theology of Progress: Can Six Years Olds Participate in the Divine Life of Democracy?

Cambridge political scientist claims that six years olds should be granted the right to vote and The Guardian journalist steps in to qualify what he means. An ample opportunity for us on KT to illustrate what we mean when we differentiate between democracy understood as politeia and democracy revered as God. In tow we bring much more, of course: totalitarian mindset and fluffy rhetoric, doubtful quality of higher learning, children psychology, obsession about population reduction as the mainstay of ruling European ideology and other worthwhile points. All this to point out how with Kali Tribune even reading The Guardian column can be a rewarding experience.


Elements of the Politics of Dissolution: On Destructive Purpose of Homosexual Marriage

Good deal of people used to wave off homosexual "marriage" as annoying but essentially harmless absurdity of our age, not so different from other excesses of indifferent freedom at the root of contemporary societies. However, is it really so? In this video we examine what the origin of political community (politeia) really is and point out that it is in fact directly, and quite obviously, subverted by the idea of "identiarian" or "homosexual marriage"; moreover, once understood, equating of normal and homosexual sexuality appears to be a direct and unequivocal strike at the root of communal life to such an extent that one has to wonder why so many ink has to be spilled arguing about something so strikingly obvious.

As is customary on KT, we employ the help of classical thinkers: we base our analysis on Thomas Aquinas' commentary on Aristotle's definition of origin of the society from the first book of his Politics.


Dissolving Faces: EU and Frankenstein Democracy

Nowadays dissident voices in Europe are squarely put on the right of political spectrum. However, we on KT tend to see the entirety of this spectrum as not very well useful in the face of the threat that is more or less vaguely sensed but rarely clearly defined. Here we'll provide a modest contribution to clarifying its nature by using kindergarten method: displaying its face(s) in pictures.

Let us face the many faces of the politics of dissolution.