The combination of viral and virtual pandemic yields some still largely unnoticed benefits. In this podcast we'll point out the pronounced absence of, up to only a week or two ago, omnipresent forces - one is the European Union and the other is perpetual terror of NGOs and media peddling acidic ideological trash. Both of them have been present for one or more decades, depending on the country in question, and now, in the matter of days or even hours, they are simply suspended from the existence.
While stating the benefits and educational potential of the situation, we'll provide some explanations of why this came to pass.
On last Sunday the carnival in the small Croatian town of Imotski ended up with burning of the mock figure of homosexual couple lovingly cuddling the minuscule puppet of the unpopular politician. The amount of outrage worldwide shocked even the stoic staff of KT's Department of Counterunintelligence and PC Monitoring. Just entering "Croatia outrage" in Google or #Imotski on Twitter around the time this podcast has been published will be enough for you to see what we're talking about.
In our previous work we pointed out the emerging process of transition of the fringe towards the center. The fringe, we claimed, be it political, intellectual or otherwise during the last few years transformed in the potential mainstream. The circumstances of mass murder in Christchurch, New Zealand of March 15th and manifesto left by pepetrator incite us to revisit the subject.
"Open mindedness" ... such a common place epithet. Yet, as with most common place epithets it conceals a more deeper cause within it. In this podcast we'll shed some light on the fact that mind is by its very nature open and how this can become impediment when confronted with its ultimate opposite - systemic thinking; a veritable epitome of "closed mind", encompassing phenomena from political correctness to Internet mediated intellectuality seemingly opposed to this prevailing ideology of our age. We attempt to demonstrate that conflict between the open and closed mind is in effect an activity of differentiating between Intellect and Ego as metaphysical realities.
In this iteration of her Luminar podcast Deirdre provides us with an exhaustive run down of the situation on gender multiplication front, including, but not limited to: difference between biological gender dysphoria and transgenderism, manipulation of children, trans lobby, posthumanist aspects of transgenderism and other merry subjects.
It is more or less usual procedure to observe political correctness from the point of view of someone rejecting it - looking from the outside upon this peculiar edifice and attempting to describe and explain it. However this always seems to be not completely satisfactory. There's always a sense of some point being missed.
Well, here we'll attempt something different: show how PC acts upon us from the standpoint of one submitting to it and suffering its coercive power. From this angle, some quite worrisome insights become apparent, chief one of them being a potential of PC to act intimately - intrinsically - i.e. invisibly upon the will itself, changing not only actions and thoughts, but very faculties of man that act or think.
The landslide victory of Irish pro-abortion public vote in recent referendum came not as a surprise because it was victory, but because it was more or less a public acclamation - a true voice of the people, one might say.
In this podcast we analyze the meaning of this event in the global context and how it stems from peculiar state of mind now prevalent in the West, but very easily observable in Ireland itself: a mentality of indifference.
A perspective we could, albeit quite loosely, denote as “East European viewpoint” is to a large extent absent from, mostly anglophone, internet media and internet mediated intellectual scene. So how does East Europe defend from what we on KT call "politics of dissolution"? Come and see ...