Tagged: Rene Guenon

elvish braids 2

Elvish Braids: Implications of the”Re-enchantment” of the World (II)

In the second part of the podcast we discuss the enchanted world of not so distant yore and re-enchanted world of post-modernity and point out crucial differences, which Mary Harrington in her article tends to omit. We sketch some of the Croatian folklore and juxtapose it to contemporary horror movie fiction. All this in order to demonstrate that "weirdness" of "liquid modernity" has rather sinister implications and that de-enchantement of the world was rather the work of Christianity, not the Enlightenment.



Metaphysics is due to be resurrected! Or zombified? In this podcast we compare the Traditional understanding of Being with its inverted counterpart, we might, for the lack of the better term, call infraphysics, exemplified by its contemporary philosophical proponents. We proceed from somewhat simple framing of Traditional understanding of knowledge as a three phase process of Being-Logos/Intentio-name to its exemplary inversion in materialism and Kant's transcendental philosophy, ending up with fruits of modern inversion of metaphysics in contemporary "object oriented ontology".

We touch upon Rene Guenon's analysis of the main discrepancy of materialism and how this analysis is being reiterated by some contemporary thinkers bound to reach beyond and below the materialism; we expound on transformation of thinking into computation and the centrality of self referential systems for subphysics; also we explain why we will soon see the drive to liberate inanimate things and individual bodily organs from human tyranny and throw in some insights on various contemporary issues along the way.

q&a 1

KT Answers, pt.1: Cosmic Ego and the Devil in Psychoanalysis

As we received quite a lot of question and none of them an easy one, we'll need more than one podcast to provide answers. In this one, we pick two easiest ones: what is Ego and what was Rene Guenon's charge against psychoanalysis. These two subjects are not unrelated and can be treated quite similarly from the metaphysical perspective which encompasses what is usually understood as purely psychological set of problems. We explain how Ego can be a metaphysical principle, why it is in fact the most precise expression of what is meant by elementary material particle, how it relates to time and why it is by its very nature destructive towards the past. Finally, we give some everyday examples of Ego-principle working in our day and age, especially as a conditio sine qua non of popular culture and entertainment.

As for Guenon's verdict on psychoanalysis, we explain his method and approach, as well as why he did consider it to be a crypto-diabolic practice.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Infinity and Indefinite

Basic notions of metaphysics series continues, this time with a twist. We won't be content with simply giving an exposition of the metaphysical notion of infinite but use it as an example how traditional concepts get inverted. The infinite is very good example of not only that, but also of one very important thing: deconstruction of metaphysics is never an annihilation, as its proponents would like you to believe, but always an appropriation and inversion. So lay half an hour of your life at the altar of Kali the destroyer of de-constructors and learn how basic notions of metaphysics are inverted into illusions.


Semi-timely Considerations: On Guenon, “Traditionalism” and the Subversive Act of Patience

In this podcast Mihai and I cover a wide spectrum of topics related to various understandings and misunderstanding of what exactly is the Tradition we often talk and write about. We begin with Rene Guenon's understanding of the term and proceed to depiction of some examples of contemporary anti-Tradition trajectory of every day life, manifested in various ways and summed up in the drive to erase the notion of origin in the widest sense of the word; in the process we touch upon various aspects of Guenon's work, a nihilism of contemporary workplace, Mihai evaluates Guenon's "disciples" Julius Evola to Fritjof Schuon, we touch upon eternity and time, and, finally, we point out some remedies we think are beneficial to those of us who cannot make compromise with the world in dissolution.


General Amnesia: On History and Intellectual Myopia

The horror of history ... there's an air of triviality in this oft repeated phrase, don't you think? Granted that it is not trivial or that we should address even trivialities if we want our thinking to have serious consequences, could we counter its unspoken conclusion of "let's be done with it, then" with the question: "if the life is problem to us, should we solve it by dying?" In this article by the head of the KT's Black Sea Fleet Mihai Marinescu we are presented with the nuanced and definite negative answer to this question.


Theosophism: Rene Guenon’s Cut at the Roots of Modern Pseudoreligions

Rene Guenon's book Theosophism: A History of Pseudo-Religion is more than just a demolition of 19th Century quack religion: it is, as our friend Deirdre of Luminar Podcast demonstrates in this video, a critique of some fundamental principles modern people take to be absolute truths - the uneasy fact that Theosophism was, and in certain circles still is, quite an adequate religion for people who fancy themselves world leaders.


Uniqueness vs Uniformity: Rene Guenon and Subtleties of Metaphysical Terminology

There's a lot of talk on the political Right about the loss of "collective identity". In this video we'll use few passages from Rene Guenon's "Reign of the Quantity and Signs of the Times" to demonstrate that this loss, if understood properly, is hardly something to be mourned. The exposition concerns metaphysical notions of "form", "matter", "quality", "quantity" and dichotomy betwenn Uniqueness (unity) and uniformity that bear wide ranging implications and practically beg to be misunderstood by political radicals of the Right.