Suicide Bombers of Modernity

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1 Response

  1. Han Fei says:

    Why “metaphysical” suicide bombers? From what can be observed, suicide bombers generally do not seek to explode in a metaphysical sense.

    As for the rest, I couldn’t agree more.

    As for the subject of alienation from something that was previous, well, when was it in human history that this wasn’t the case? Was not the Era of the Romantics, occuring during the period when Europe was still in the grip of “traditional values” a desire to return to that wispful vision of a primordial, pre-Christian Antiquity recorded in myths and tales? Does anyone recall the sheer despairing ennui that permeated European society during the times of the Calvinist debate? Or to go back even further, one can feel angst emanating out of every letter penned by the literati of the Early Han, decrying the moral degradation of the times and pining with lustful agony for the glory days of the kingdoms of Chu and Zhou? This was before China even came into being as we know it!

    Of course the rationalist will dismiss this as psychological balderdash, a syndrom of good-old-times-ism. But isn’t it precisely this rationalization of everything that brings about this kind of state? Or perhaps the religious are onto something when they speak of an essential feeling of absence in man from something which should be at the very core of his experiencing the world? Is this the original sin?

    We need to however stop this questioning at the point where we come to the realization that if it can’t be strictly speaking, the past that we are alienated from, then it must be the case that it is the present in which we will, rather than existentially find, ourselves to be alien. There’s nothing wrong with perceiving that there is a better way of existence which seems to be largely absent from this world, and if so, the way to realizing or achieving that existence can only be done so within the confines of this present world. This was the case now, as it was always the case, and as far as we persist will probably remain the case. This is why I strongly dislike the term “traditionalism” used to describe these essential understandings, emotional states and conceptual principles of the way life should be lived, it puts an unnecessary orientation backwards in time to something which always permeates it.

    That said though we do need to come to a better understanding of what is meant by the term “Kali Yuga”. I hope that this will serve as a suggestion (or perhaps a fan wish) for a future video or article on your website.

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