Without a Cause: The Sinister Nature of Synchronicity pt.2

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7 Responses

  1. Vatroslav says:

    Najbolji članak što pročitah u dugo, dugo vremena. Pročitat ću ga još jednom sigurno, traži izuzetnu pažnju. Radi ovakvih tekstova obožavam Kali Tribune.
    Ovakva razmišljanja se jednostavno ne mogu susresti ni na rubovima ni na središnjim tokovima društva, školstva i medija. Ovakvi tekstovi su zauvijek promijenili moj pogled na religiju, duhovnost i vjernike.
    Zbilja hvala! Nadam se da ne zvučim patetično i ljigavo.

  2. Cartman says:

    Really enjoy this website. You are definitely on the right track with Heidegger and modern nihilism. Oddly enough I used a lot of Yockey quotes from Imperium to attempt a critique of liberalism in my own blog. I always felt that his idea of a coming imperium was wrong headed thinking. The occult dimension in the political is very evident to me. I think you might enjoy some of my work although I am not on your level of philosophical background.

    • Malić says:

      Thanks. When taken out of the overall context ideas of the likes of Yockey may seem as some kind of alternative to postmodernism, but in reality they’re just a flip side of the same coin. As much as our age tends to forget the lessons of previous century mediated by mainstream of public opinion and historians, they were not all that wrong as people tend to see them now. There’s a good reason for Nazism to be stigmatized and no amount of historical revisionism will change that. Yockey was a direct intellectual and political descendant of the Third Reich, attempting to refine its fundamental ideas and overall political strategy. The trouble with “liberalism” is that we tend to subsume many disparate things under this moniker and then ditching of the baby with bath water becomes almost inevitable.

      • Cartman says:

        Yes I think you bring up very important aspects of his thought which I could never quite define but which definitely had a malignant quality. A whiff of sulpher so to speak.

  3. Mihai says:

    In other words, as you describe it here, syncronicity is at the exact antipode of mystical revelation. In the latter case the hidden meaning of things is revealed and although the revelation is personal it is nonetheless “objective” as the meaning revealed is rigorous, intelligible and part of a hierarchy where each existent thing has its own rightful place and fullfils its own function. Whereas in the former case- that of syncronicity- there is no hierarchy, only a network where everything is randomly tied to everything else and there is no inherent meaning except for the psyche of one isolated individual.

    In both cases the experience is personal but in the case of authentic revelation the spirit discerns the meaning, while in the case of syncronicity the imagination in way superimposes meaning or forms a kind of sympathetic link to the flowing images which then create the image which suits the individual’s desires.

    This is how I understand it.

    For a number of years I was attracted to the idea of syncronicity and I discerned absolutely no difference between this and authentic intuitions of a higher sort. And it is no wonder, since it mimicks the real thing so well.
    There was also my experience with the tarot. I never could tell what is objective and what is creative or what is a simple mirror of hidden desires in it.

    • Malić says:

      I would say that’s how I see it. But bear in mind that this is only a single article about something that is very convoluted. I think there’s even more depth to it. The reason I have written it is, among other things, the experience similar to yours. I also, when younger, thought this to be some kind of “higher state” of psychological experience. Only later, step by step, I realized that it is more akin to a mild psychosis. I think the key thing is that it is completely ego centered and that it lacks moral relevance – something that traditional notion of destiny necessarily entails. Schopenhauer’s essay is in fact much better than I gave it credit in the text, because this is what he points out when he talks about destiny, look it up. It’s in his “Parerga and Paralipomena” (you’ll find it easily on libgen.info).

      Btw. you’ll tell me more about that Tarot business some day. Its extremely risky practice, more so because I’ve seen it work in the hands of some people with almost machine like precision.

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