Repressive Oppressives: Peace Activism as Ego Inflation
In this podcast we reflect upon a prevalent trend of Western activists championing the causes of authoritarian regimes in defiance to what they call “Empire”, i.e. their own home. We argue that the real nature of this peculiar “self-loathing” is in fact a clear example of the same authoritarian tendencies champions of “just world” are supposedly denouncing being transmuted into the guise of moral action on behalf of the “oppressed”.
So KT’s Department for the Research of Paraethical Phenomena would argue that in fact we are dealing with the cases of oppression by repression of subject’s own authoritarian mentality. We provide some examples like British leftist exercising the rhetoric of colonial officer, Democratic Republic of North Korea becoming a favorite exotic pet shop for the benefit of peace tourism and war in the aftermath of the break up of Yugoslavia as the playground for historical revisionism.
The conclusion is that most, if not all, of the standard fare peace activism, that is declaratively against the West, is the clear instance of the very thing it claims to combat. The substance of it all is the principal abandonment of mind, as the mean of discernment, and exchanging it for Ego: the power of projection. The Ego is not understood here as psychological but metaphysical principle, i.e. a principle of creating the certain mentality which is capable of incredible leaps of logic that end up in the construction of Manichean world view and makes its owner fit nicely exactly into “Imperial” mind set.
(If for some reason the Mixcloud presents you with problems, the podcasts are available on Kali Tribune’s Youtube channel. Podcasts can be downloaded via this link )
Branko Malić
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this Russian press release (oops I meant article) published by 21Wire made me think of KT’s recent work on “anti-imperialism”
I remember that guy saying on RT, in the aftermath of Charlie Hebdo shootings, that French government is opening concentration camps for journalists. That’s about how relevant he is. If you scroll down to comments section you’ll see your intuition being confirmed in no uncertain terms by few alt media consumers.
But Branko, if the Vojinka connection hadn’t been written about, the world would be a duller place.