Tagged: Imperialism


Death of a Conspiracy Theorist

In this video we discuss the peculiarities of "conspiracy theorist" mentality and its pitfalls - or rabbit holes, if you like - taking as a starting point passages written by "conspiracy researcher" who's apparently gone down quite a few of them at the same time and ended up on the other side - among the neo-Malthusian sustainability villains.


Repressive Oppressives: Peace Activism as Ego Inflation

In this podcast we reflect upon a prevalent trend of Western activists championing the causes of authoritarian regimes in defiance to what they call "Empire", i.e. their own home. We argue that the real nature of this peculiar "self-loathing" is in fact a clear example of the same authoritarian tendencies champions of "just world" are supposedly denouncing being transmuted into the guise of moral action on behalf of the "oppressed".


Stinking Narratives: Geopolitics as Means of Dehumanization

In this video we further address the problem of somewhat sadomasochist nature of "alternative narratives" about international politics that are based on geopolitical interpretation and uncritical enmity towards the West - coming, ironically, almost entirely from the Westerners themselves.