Tagged: Alberto Guibilini


Paragons of Subhumanity: On Post-birth Abortion and Other Merry Subjects

A long winded discussion between yours truly and Deirdre of Luminar Podcast initiated by academic advocacy of infanticide or, as authors of 2012 article "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?" we use as the starting point call it: after-birth abortion.

However, and not surprisingly, this podcast covers much more than this peculiar form of high brow nihilism.

Discussion touches upon, among other things:

problem of person and the reality of soul, Christianity and paganism, Hegel and the  philosophy of absolute subject, posthumanism, euthanasia, abortion and vulnerability of women, reaction from the Right, impossibility of traditionalist revolution and dangers stemming thereof, Thomas Aquinas, Plato, Aristotle, Anaxagoras, science and science fiction, Alexander Dugin, resurgence of history after its supposed end in liberal utopia, forgiveness, Down syndrome

and much, much more.