Although we more than once expressed our views on homosexuality and ever present "mainstreaming" of it and other forms of sexuality gone awry, it was always in the context of other, more interesting subjects. Hereby, we put homosexuality into focus as a phenomenon of severe ontological deviation, based on the urge for identity and shunning of otherness; a fundamental attitude of a man seeking escape from the different and unknown, yet sold to the masses as the precise opposite: a manifestation of freedom and experiment in experiencing difference.
In a word: contemporary image of homosexuality is a pure inversion, which is quite easy to demonstrate in less than half an hour talk.
Good deal of people used to wave off homosexual "marriage" as annoying but essentially harmless absurdity of our age, not so different from other excesses of indifferent freedom at the root of contemporary societies. However, is it really so? In this video we examine what the origin of political community (politeia) really is and point out that it is in fact directly, and quite obviously, subverted by the idea of "identiarian" or "homosexual marriage"; moreover, once understood, equating of normal and homosexual sexuality appears to be a direct and unequivocal strike at the root of communal life to such an extent that one has to wonder why so many ink has to be spilled arguing about something so strikingly obvious.
As is customary on KT, we employ the help of classical thinkers: we base our analysis on Thomas Aquinas' commentary on Aristotle's definition of origin of the society from the first book of his Politics.