Tagged: energeia


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Nature

Our regular podcast spreading dark medieval lore, formerly known as wisdom, across the interwebs is back: in this episode of Basic Notions of Metaphysics we analyze classical Aristotle's notion of nature. As definition goes like this: "Nature is intrinsic principle of movement", we talk about what it means for something to be "intrinsic", "principle" and in "movement". We advertise one thing, provide you with three things and charge you with no-thing. Only on KT.

q&a 0

KT Answers: Unterwegs zu Heidegger Cul-De-Sac, pt.2

In the second part of our Q&A on corrosive influence of Heidegger, we turn to actual (not in the sense of presence, but in the sense of energeia) texts, i.e. to concrete examples of how he misinterprets Aristole's notions of energeia, kinesis, entelehia.

We conclude with overall evaluation of Heidegger's influence and remarks on low grade philosophy found online.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Being and Having

Why does one forget so many things in the course of one's life? Why, on the other hand, the knowledge we retain has some peculiar, non-quantifiable, qualities to it? What it means to be in the know? These are the questions we'll try to answer in this podcast, by referring them to one all encompassing distinction - that between 'Being' and 'having being'. As always we begin with real life examples of the problem and in the course of discussion touch upon the important subject of personal identity, i.e. we denounce the error of identifying the person with the consciousness, an error that becomes quite apparent when reflecting on act of sleep and of having dreams. Also, we turn to our previous work on Nicholas of Cues' De Visione Dei to provide us with some aid in addressing the problem on the higher level, once we abandon the ground of everyday experience.