Tagged: G.W.F. Hegel


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: A Pure Formality

In this podcast of the ongoing "Notions of Metaphysics" series we treat the problem of inverted meaning of traditional notions of metaphysics. We use the example of the complementary opposites of material and formal, something we today understand in precisely opposite way to their original meaning. Why this happens, what are the consequences and how does it influence our everyday life are some of the questions we rise in the course of the podcast.


Against the Modern World: As If Only Heidegger Can Save Us Now

Kali Tribune proudly presents an article by premier Croatian, and in our opinion, European, philosopher of post-WW II period, Marijan Cipra (Marian Tsipra) almost nobody knows nothing about both in Croatia and Europe. This 1986. article deconstructs Heidegger's phenomenological mess and proceeds to proclaim the need of the negation of  a negation - a rebellion against the modern world, whose notable intellectual nusproduct is Heideggerian philosophy.

Don’t mess with Hegel 2

Don’t mess with Hegel

"Hegelian dialectics ... Hegelian dialectics ... I'll find you where ever you are ..." Is this conspiracy theorists rhyme really true? Or is it just a nursery rhyme?