Tagged: Marx


Hegel, Marx and Sustainable Development: A Study in Incompatible, Pt.1

The ease with which a number of popular contemporary conservatives identify ontology and politics of sustainable development (aka 'degrowth', 'The Great Reset', 'green politics', etc.) with Marxism and its derivations is comparable only to their ignorance of the original philosophical assumptions of Karl Marx and their roots in classical German philosophy; ignorance that, in a peculiar sense, appears so blatant that it seems almost wilful. To set the record straight, in the series of podcasts we'll outline the rift existing between these two, modern and postmodern, totalitarian projects, based on their root assumptions. In the first episode we sketch the basic propositions of Hegel's metaphysics that inspired Marx' project.


Atheism, Old and New

Atheism seems to be quite self explanatory term. Granted, we do live in atheistic societies, in the sense that religion in the proper sense of the word is almost completely ejected from political and cultural deliberations. Even more so, this applies to academia. Finally, at least half of the peoples which we could still, at least by their geographical situation or ancestry, call Europeans are actually shedding the residues of their religious past.

Yet, are we to blame this on atheists of our age, especially the so called "new atheists"?

In this podcast we'll answer this question in the firm negative.


Your Papers, Please: Notion of Identity in Contemporary Identitarian Movements

"I identify as ... white, Pagan, pine tree, pink unicorn ... who are you to judge me!!!?" Is this statement merely a parody of contemporary vogue or does it indicate to a deeper truth? In this podcast we provide a sketch of the second option - we argue that notion of 'identity' applied by movements as Alt Right, as well as the establishment promulgated political correctness, is in fact a multifaceted attempt to reduce oneself and one's belonging to nothing. Or, if we are to be generous, to at least prepare oneself to permanent process of identification quite akin to metaphysical police interrogation; an endless session of self inflicted torture.

Also, we briefly dwell on the metaphysics of identity of Classical German Idealism and some of the ominous tendencies already present in this monumental spiritual movement.