Author: Malić


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: System, pt.1

In our day and age, the word "system" is as prevalent as it is ambivalent; moreover, bearing in mind that we are living in an epoch supposedly deprived of metaphysics, 'system' sometimes appears to be an ersatz formula for something that used to be a metaphysical notion. However, no age is free from metaphysics and 'system' is a metaphysical notion tailor made by modernity for modernity, and beyond. In this podcast we'll trace the genesis of the system principle and contrast it to traditional metaphysics, to which the system is as repugnant as it gets, although its very rarely perceived as such by contemporary historians and philosophers. In this episode we take an example of system building thinking from early German Idealism, from J.G. Fichte's Wissenschaftlehre.


Hegel, Marx and Sustainable Development: A Study in Incompatible,Pt. 2

Sustainable development is fundamentally incompatible with some of the main supposition of Karl Marx and, by derivation, Marxism. In the second and final episode of our podcast on the subject, we lay down and compare some of the fundamental ontological propositions of sustainable development and Karl Marx to demonstrate their incompatibility.


Hegel, Marx and Sustainable Development: A Study in Incompatible, Pt.1

The ease with which a number of popular contemporary conservatives identify ontology and politics of sustainable development (aka 'degrowth', 'The Great Reset', 'green politics', etc.) with Marxism and its derivations is comparable only to their ignorance of the original philosophical assumptions of Karl Marx and their roots in classical German philosophy; ignorance that, in a peculiar sense, appears so blatant that it seems almost wilful. To set the record straight, in the series of podcasts we'll outline the rift existing between these two, modern and postmodern, totalitarian projects, based on their root assumptions. In the first episode we sketch the basic propositions of Hegel's metaphysics that inspired Marx' project.


LGBTIQ in Perspective, Part 1: Liberalism in Demission

KT's Department of Nihilism Forecast and Discernment presents the first in the series of articles on the nature of the LGBTIQ principle and politics it originates, which will, as we hope, dispel some misconceptions and provide perspective on this important issue. In the first article, we discuss whether LGBTIQ can be truly identified with liberalism, as is often been done today. If you don't feel like reading, the short answer is, no. If you want to know why, read on.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Univocal Concept of Being

In this episode of our ongoing series "Basic Notions of Metaphysics", we talk about univocal concept of being as explicated by John Duns Scotus. It is hard to overestimate the influence of the idea that being is an univocal concept, that is: the simple, indivisible and, above all, indifferent notion present in all other concepts - from the spec of dust to God Himself. We argue that univocity represents the point of departure from traditional metaphysics towards modernity and postmodernity; whereas, traditionally, being was understood as reality or act/ἐνέργειᾰ, with univocity it becomes a concept and hence opens the horizon of modern metaphysics with its conceptual systems and reliance on subjectivity. Naturally, we on KT have few objections about that.


Basic Notions of Metaphysics: Analogia Entis

In this episode of our regular podcast Basic Notions of Metaphysics we provide an account on principle of analogy - a veritable sacred bond of the universe, according to Medieval scientia transcendens. We follow the genesis of this genuinely Christian transformation of the principle already partly known in the ancient world, its relevance in the context of the problem of mediation between equivocal and univocal predication of being, its roots in the doctrine of transcendentals and, ultimately, its nature as the form of the revelation of the presence of God in His creatures.

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KT Answers: What is Ontology?

In this episode of our regular Q&A podcast we answer the seemingly simple question, what is ontology? We delineate three thinkers and three notions of the primary philosophical science, out of which only one qualifies as ontology. Those thinkers are Christian Wolff, Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, whereas Wolff is the one who, in 18th Century, introduced ontology as a discipline in the "system of philosophical sciences". We proceed to demonstrate that ontology, as modern invention, is a far cry from what Aristotle and Aquinas considered inquiry into "being qua being" to be. Off course, there are number of random digressions into all kinds of related subjects, from traditional notion of genera/species relation, nature of ens universalis, Kant's blending of metaphysics with Wolffian system and more.


LGBTIQ and the Logic of the Cuckoo’s Egg

We, philosophers, suffer because most people tend to despise our vocation, whereas some - admittedly, a minority - usurp it and tend to render it actually despicable soon enough. This makes 'being philosopher' quite an unenviable path through life. However, some things, dear reader, cannot really be comprehended without due brush with philosophy. One of those is the thing behind the LGBTIQ acronym.


Wavering Spectrum

As KT's Department For the Sewing, Dyeing and Folding the Flags Colored Spectrum to be Forcefully Trust Back into Depths of the Queer Rectum (Capitol Branch) was informed that omnipresent rainbow flag just became obsolete, we immediately reached out for the velvet gloved hand of Utikejt (pronounced, 'outekeit') to lead us out of the conundrum and explain the reason why the symbolism of the LGBTIQ flag implies the mutual destruction of the groups who mistakenly hold that politics of acronym serves their interests. In her previous post, Uti explained this by analyzing the meaning of the letters. This time around, she lays out the corresponding symbolism of the now rapidly changing flag of the LGBTIQ movement.