Tagged: Russia


An Interview on Alexander Dugin

I join J.G. Michael of Parallax Views for an Interview on Alexander Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics. We discuss Dugin's core ideas in the light of Russian invasion of Ukraine, aggressive Russian messianic politics, the role of space in Dugin's geopolitical eschatology as constant in Russian history of foreign conquest, the notion of Russian universalism, Martin Heidegger and much more.



International support to Ukraine brought forward one word, being repeated so many times now, that even birds are tweeting it: “Slava!”, “Slava!". We decided to put forward some thoughts on awkwardness this Slavic word acquires when taken up by certain demographics.


Maps of Unmeaning

In this podcast we address the problem of "maps of meaning" as an inadequate and dangerous attempt to "make sense" of the world mediated through flow of information. The subject is nothing new for KT, yet Russians were kind enough to provide us with some original examples and incentives to revisit some problems we already discussed at length, such as: limits of human intellectuality, inadequacy of "meaning" as the substitute for "purpose/end", incomprehensibility of evil, nuances of the blanked term "West" that get lost to most Westerners, Russian information offensive, how one evil doesn't justify other evil, etc.


Penultimate Times Blues: Nostalgia as Disclosure of Truth

With the help of KT's Department of Eastern European Affairs and Keeping Asses in the Armchairs even nostalgia can reveal some important truths. The dissolution of Communism was not the only catastrophe that befell this peculiar part of the world. Let us inspect some more subtle and more sinister processes that slipped through in the wake of it and were anticipated by ill fated generation whose youth was forfeit at the dawn of the "New World Order". We on KT are hell bent on redeeming that lost time - so we invite you to sink with us in the disclosure only true nostalgia can provide ...