Tagged: O9A


Feeding of the Troll: Virtual Reality and Terrorism

In our previous work we pointed out the emerging process of transition of the fringe towards the center. The fringe, we claimed, be it political, intellectual or otherwise during the last few years transformed in the potential mainstream. The circumstances of mass murder in Christchurch, New Zealand of March 15th and manifesto left by pepetrator incite us to revisit the subject. 


Meditations Upon Emergent Occasions: In Dialogue with Jasun Horsley pt. 2

Second part of the conversation with Jasun Horsley of auticulture.com, where Jasun and yours truly discuss:

"(...) contemplating the nature of evil, where did the devil come from, the power of beliefs, fragmentation & wholeness, when the mind turns into what it grasps, evil’s mask of goodness, the will to good, evil as parasite (...)"


Meditations Upon Emergent Occasions: In Dialogue with Jasun Horsley pt. 1

Yours truly engages in dialogue with Jasun Horsley of auticulture.com, covering such diverse subjects as:

"... being a half-baked academic, egos in alt media, George Bataille and taboo,  Heidegger and post-modernist nihilism, cutting through left and right, Alexander Dugin, Jeffrey Kripal, mapping an ideologue, trauma and neo-Satanism and much more ...


Strange Angles, Strange Faces: Introduction to Convergences Between LHP Satanism, Post-Nazism & Alt Right Ideas

In this podcast we introduce three persons who could prove important for the ideological trajectory leaders of the Alt Right movement are now taking. What they have in common is elusiveness, a long time spent on the fringe and at least a one time adherence to Left Hand Path Satanism in it's most consequent and hence radical form.

Those men are Kerry Bolton, David Myatt and Alexander Dugin.


Wrath of the Naughtmen: Post-Nazi Tendencies in Alt Media

Again we hear the same old refrain: "There are too many people in this world, so many that one can properly call them useless eaters". Kissinger misbehaving in his old age? UN's got a new agenda? Himmler quote? No. Just two alt right cum alt media boys shooting some breeze.