Tagged: Orthodoxy


Harmony of Tongues

In this podcast Mihai attempts to answer questions of ethnicity, race, nationalism and the ontological place of sexes from the perspective of Eastern Church and its Tradition.


In the Ending of the Year

A poignant yet for this reason truly merry Christmas to all KT readers courtesy of Mihai Marinescu


Ad Barbaris

We interrupt the practice of publishing exclusively our original content and nick the extract from the book length series of interviews Cardinal Robert Sarah gave to French author Nicholas Diat. Although, in religious matters, we rarely address the problems of contemporary Church directly, prefering instead to bring out the positive content of Christian Tradition and simultaneously address the proverbial signs of the times as we see them in accordance with our mainly philosophical expertise, this time around we cannot pass on the opportunity to express admiration for a man who does both of these things with clarity that we would be hard pressed to match, even from our comfortable, marginal, position of much freedom and zero influence. As the text is multilayered and at few points Cardinal's wording is especially succint in addressing some of the ills we've been writing of at length, readers can expect commentary to follow.


General Amnesia: On History and Intellectual Myopia

The horror of history ... there's an air of triviality in this oft repeated phrase, don't you think? Granted that it is not trivial or that we should address even trivialities if we want our thinking to have serious consequences, could we counter its unspoken conclusion of "let's be done with it, then" with the question: "if the life is problem to us, should we solve it by dying?" In this article by the head of the KT's Black Sea Fleet Mihai Marinescu we are presented with the nuanced and definite negative answer to this question.