Tagged: Scientia Sacra


Semi-timely Considerations: On Guenon, “Traditionalism” and the Subversive Act of Patience

In this podcast Mihai and I cover a wide spectrum of topics related to various understandings and misunderstanding of what exactly is the Tradition we often talk and write about. We begin with Rene Guenon's understanding of the term and proceed to depiction of some examples of contemporary anti-Tradition trajectory of every day life, manifested in various ways and summed up in the drive to erase the notion of origin in the widest sense of the word; in the process we touch upon various aspects of Guenon's work, a nihilism of contemporary workplace, Mihai evaluates Guenon's "disciples" Julius Evola to Fritjof Schuon, we touch upon eternity and time, and, finally, we point out some remedies we think are beneficial to those of us who cannot make compromise with the world in dissolution.


Being and Truth: How World Can be Contained in the Single Sentence

Learning philosophy does not come about solely or even primarily from reading volumes of books; sometimes it comes about from resolving not so apparent layers of meaning contained in the single sentence. In this traditional "metaphysics (even) for housewives"  podcast  we'll demonstrate just how this comes about by taking into consideration poignant formulation of truth handed to us from 13th Century: The Truth is undividedness (or "indivision") od Being and what is.