Tagged: Greta Thunberg


The Great Unsustainable Yawn

The apocalyptic predictions of "globalist takeover" in the midst of the COVID19 crisis seem to focus on the so-called "Great reset", a new "agenda" for changing the world in few weeks time. We on KT, however, are not that impressed with this new episode of the sustainable development soap opera that's been running for decades now, written and directed in, as it seems, rather ad hoc manner and would rather see Greta Thunberg episode again. For this reason we give a brief rundown on what the idea of sustainable development entails and reference our previous work on the subject, notably the analysis of the 1992. Agenda 21 document, which is, more or less, a blueprint for this, as it seems to us, by now largely failed doctrine.


Casual Malificence

On principle we don't speculate about the obvious crisis de jour. But, then again, why let the good crisis go to waste? In her short, but poignant, reflection on the reaction of a doomsday cultist, whose cult lost the undue attention it had literary over night, Deirdre makes the point we should keep in mind.


Pigtails of Apocalypse

We just cannot help it. Scarlet woman ... err ... pigtailed girl of the end times is just too persistent a symbol to just ignore it, so we are obliged to give it a one more glance. This is especially the case if we are aware that climate apocalypse cult genuinely infected the better part of European and, apparently, American intellectual elite. And, let us note, that we spell "elite" without ironic qualification; a number of supremely intelligent people had found themselves washed away in the global sanity leak. Why is this so and what does ersatz religion of climate doom really supplement for our contemporaries; moreover, how it logically ends up in posthumanism and why it just could spell doom for the scientific paradigm of modernity are some of the questions we address in this podcast.


Suffer Little Autistics: Ersatz Religions and the Figure of the Holy Fool

Future is certain - the end is near. Or so says the child prophet of vogue apocalyptic cult named "Extinction Rebellion". In this video we'll point out some deeper implications of promoting a child "on the autistic spectrum" as an embodiment of wisdom and political acumen. We focus on the one of The Guardian articles praising the virtues of holy fool de jour, Greta Thunberg, and in the process inadvertently exposing more than the tip of the iceberg of lunacy apparently holding sway on both media and masses in Western Europe.


Power of Autism/Autism of Power

 Recently, young Swedish girl Greta Thunberg (15) addressed the big wigs at Davos Summit, reiterating the standard Doomsday predictions about the end of the world that is due to come down in a few years, "IF WE DON'T ACT NOW!!!". Of course, she has been presented as a courageous child speaking "truth" to power, although one must note that by some strange coincidence this was exactly what those in power speak themselves. The affair would be just a side note in the story of communist like system of sustainable development propaganda, where "innocents" (read: "simpletons) like children or tribesman in bizarre costumes "spontaneously" address comrades in the transnational comity asking them to "act now" as if this is not what bigwigs themselves propagate from the late Sixties onwards, if it wasn't for a notable novelty: Greta Thunberg is an autistic child or, at least, she is "on the autistic spectrum". In this video we'll explore the implications of putting severely mentally and psychologically disabled child to serve as a benchmark of excellence for other children and a new model "holy fool" employed to sell a rather devious political agenda.