Tagged: RT


Third World Bore: How by Being Offline You Can Prevent the World War

It's happening! Third World War is at hand! Well ... just as long as your internet connection is stable. In this podcast we delve into further depths of fringe internet movements and peculiar personal qualities their adherents develop; qualities that are seemingly a reiteration of old radicalism, but are in fact something quite novel.


Echomaniacs: Alternative Media as Postmodern Propaganda pt.1

Alternative media ... truth movement ... citizen journalists ... sounds good? Well ... we'll see about that. In this two part analysis we lay out what seems to be the true nature of alt media as a new form of propaganda - a veritable self-propaganda - ripe for internet age. The specimen we focus on are pro-regime pro-Syria activists and intellectuals and their understanding of reality as exemplified by their treatment of other historical events: in this case war in the aftermath of dissolution of Yugoslavia. We claim that the whole batch of alt media indicates to a rather sinister tendency - an attempt to erase the past; an attempt that, now that the means of virtualization are ready at hand, could just succeed.


Dictionary of Alternative Media

Alternative media ... how to find your way through it? Why, that's easy! Kali Tribune provides you with all the alt media prep knowledge you need: comprehensive dictionary of alt media. This is a work in progress so stay tuned.


Stinking Narratives: Geopolitics as Means of Dehumanization

In this video we further address the problem of somewhat sadomasochist nature of "alternative narratives" about international politics that are based on geopolitical interpretation and uncritical enmity towards the West - coming, ironically, almost entirely from the Westerners themselves.


Truth Wears a Smirk: On Russian Influence in Alt Media

For the past few years we're witnessing an accelerated advocacy of Russia as a last bastion of freedom, Tradition, "true Left", "true Right", sound business practices and even "tasty organic tomatoes" (Engdahl) - to mention but a few attributes of this noble nation. In this video we'll note how the fun ends when one realizes that these, and many more, attributes in fact contradict themselves.