Tagged: Syria


Third World Bore: How by Being Offline You Can Prevent the World War

It's happening! Third World War is at hand! Well ... just as long as your internet connection is stable. In this podcast we delve into further depths of fringe internet movements and peculiar personal qualities their adherents develop; qualities that are seemingly a reiteration of old radicalism, but are in fact something quite novel.


Stinking Narratives: Geopolitics as Means of Dehumanization

In this video we further address the problem of somewhat sadomasochist nature of "alternative narratives" about international politics that are based on geopolitical interpretation and uncritical enmity towards the West - coming, ironically, almost entirely from the Westerners themselves.


The Invisible Empire: Introduction to Alexander Dugin’s “Foundations of Geopolitics”, pt. 1

We commence the analysis of the core political and strategic ideas of Alexander Dugin as laid out in his main work “Foundations of Geopolitics – Geopolitical Future of Russia”, based on a close reading of the text. In this segment we explain mainly the proverbial foundations or “the principal duality” of Dugin’s megalomaniac eschatology falsely posing as, and today curiously popular, political science stressing the role of geography. This is the first close reading analysis of the foundational neo-Eurasianist text in the English language. Give it a look, we guarantee you won’t like it if you are busy cheering for Russia to defeat the “globalists”. But maybe, if you are displaying some symptoms of Duginitis chronica in its early stages, it could just make you re-think what you’re getting yourself into.

Mayday Call for dr. Nobel 0

Mayday Call for dr. Nobel

Ig-Nobel-awards-mascotIn 133. episode of Sunday Wire, yours truly joins Patrick Henningsen, Vanessa Beeley and Basil Valentine to discuss such themes as Nobel prize nomination for terrorists-linked "humanitarian" group, UN climate (no) deal and USA presidential shenanigans. Moreover this episode is significant as it commemorates the anniversary of Adam Weishaupt's founding of order of Perfectibilists, better known as Bavarian Illuminati, International Worker's Day, and one more step towards the light for our dear host Patrick, whose birthday we just celebrated.